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Imagine that this man was your top-performing manager, in charge of a million-dollar project. However, he had been absent for two weeks because of burnout and possibly other mental health conditions. This morning, he sent a resignation letter.

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How much does it cost your organization if you have employees who are absent during an important project implementation? How much business is lost because there are top managers and leaders who cannot cope with stress and are not performing to the best of their ability, delaying projects and causing clients to leave? 

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An Urgent Call

The numbers above are urgent calls to action. Another important consideration for employers is the definition of mental health. The World Health Organization (2022, par 1) defines mental health as “a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community…Moreover, it is crucial to personal, community and socio-economic development.”

The mental health gaps in the Philippines pushed for the Philippine Mental Health Act (RA11036). This law mandates that companies create workplace mental health promotion and policies. Section 25 of the RA11036 states that

“employers shall develop appropriate policies and programs on mental health in the workplace designed to raise awareness on mental health issues, correct the stigma and discrimination associated with mental health conditions, identify and provide support for individuals at risk, and facilitate access of individuals with mental health conditions to treatment and psychosocial support” (p. 20).  

In addition, the Department of Labor and Employment (2020), in its Department Order 208-20, mandates employers to craft, monitor, and evaluate workplace mental health policies and programs 

What is a Mental Health Policy?

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The WHO Workplace Mental Health at Work Policy Brief identifies three targets: prevention of mental health problems, protection and promotion of mental health, and supporting workers with mental health conditions.  In addition, DOLE 208 states that workplace mental health policy and programs should include the following:

  1. Mental health literacy and education for employees and their families, including understanding the features of RA 11036 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations. The HR should also receive capacity building to identify psychological hazards in the workplace.
  2. Promotion of employee wellbeing by increasing awareness of mental health, identification of work-related stress, effective management to address burnout and increasing workload, a system for recognition and rewards, programs for support mental health such as recreational activities, and support for extreme life changes and disasters. 
  3. Social policy. This includes non-discrimination policies, allowing employees with mental health conditions to return while undergoing treatment. It also means prohibiting employers from terminating those with suspected mental health problems. Moreover, the social policy includes confidentiality, disclosure, and work accommodation. 
  4. Treatment, rehabilitation, and referral system. The Safety Officer or HR will be in charge of helping employees get a referral for those at risk or those with mental health conditions. 
  5. Benefits and compensation The health benefit packages of SSS and Philhealth can be used for mental health treatment and rehabilitation and have additional benefits based on company policy. Those engaging in third-party health care providers should include mental health in their health package.
  6. Support mechanism. This includes access to counseling through referrals or an in-house counselor trained and qualified to deal with mental health issues.

Some Practices for Crafting a Company Mental Health Policy

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  1. Formation of a mental health task force. This multi-sectoral team ensures that different perspectives are represented when crafting a mental health policy.
  2. Auditing existing mental health and wellbeing policies and programs. In many companies, various initiatives look like jigsaw puzzles that must be organized into a whole organizational approach to mental health. Companies can also review the mental health services of telehealth providers. These services are usually outside of HMOs. 
  3. Getting the buy-in of top management is important. This is the first step in resource mobilization. 
  4. Anchoring on the multi-sectoral consultative process in planning and drafting the mental health policy ensures this document is by and for every stakeholder in the organization. 

In conclusion, the mental health crisis is the elephant in the room.  A workplace mental health policy is a protective factor that can reduce absenteeism and improve the performance of employees because it promotes a culture of well-being. Lastly, a mental health policy is a proactive means for talents, leaders, and organizations to thrive and reach their full potential.



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